Ryan Field

Hello there, I'm Ryan.
I'm a Certified Reiki Energy Healer in the Blue Mountains, Australia.
I can help you balance your energetic field so you are able to heal both your physical and emotional blocks as well as past traumas and therefore be more at peace with the flow of life.

About Me

For me, Reiki wasn't really something I ever considered doing, but I've learned that when life calls us to a particular path, it goes a lot smoother when we follow its guidance.Being a highly sensitive empath, I would often find the different energies, emotions and experiences that surrounded me in the world often intense and overwhelming. As a result, for much of my life I've been searching for a way to simply feel more at peace within myself and the world at large.This search led me on a journey of self discovery.

What Is Reiki ?

Reiki pronounced (Ray - Kee) combines two Japanese words "Rei", meaning universal, God's wisdom or the higher power and "Ki" meaning life force energy. When put together the word “rei-ki” means “universal life force energy".Put simply, Reiki is a way of guiding energy throughout the body to promote your own self healing abilities.

What To Expect

My purpose is to help balance and bring your own energetic system back into alignment with the flow of life so it can better heal and be more at peace. In doing this, I combine techniques I have learned through not only my study of Reiki, but from the book "A Course In Miracles" and from my own life experiences and the messages I've received of love that flow in from the spiritual.



60 mins- $90.00 - Reiki Relaxation

60 mins - $90.00 - Combined Reiki/Guidance Session
(45 mins Reiki - 15 mins Spiritual Guidance)

90 mins - $120.00 - The Full Treatment
(60 mins full body Reiki - 30 mins Spiritual Guidance)

I offer a $10.00 discount to students and pensioners and to those purchasing a treatment package of 4 or more sessions upfront for themselves or family members to be used within 6 months.Payment is by cash ($5 off) or via bank transfer (OSKO)
immediately after the session.
All the treatments leave you feeling relaxed, refreshed, energised, stress free or a combination of these, plus an overall sense of peace.


To book a Reiki treatment, simply get in touch using the contact form below or you can call or text me on
0415 760 520 at anytime.
Ryan ❤️

Gift Cards

Now you can literally send someone you love
good positive energy and relaxation

My Story

My path to Reiki and Energy Healing has been almost accidental. I've always had a keen interest in spirituality and self help in general. Certainly for me, being a highly sensitive empath, I would often find the different energies, emotions and experiences that surrounded me in the world very overwhelming. As a result, as a younger man I would seek a quiet place to re-energise and would feel much more comfortable on my own and in nature. However, I knew that being alone in nature, was not a realistic way to exist in the world. Much of my interest in the spiritual was born from a need to find a way to live my life feeling more at peace within myself and the world at large.This search took me on a journey of discovery that included many books, courses, practices and life experiences that eventually led me to working with the energies of which we are all made up of.Some of the books, courses and spiritual practices I have studied include - A Course In Miracles, Conversations With God, The Power Of Now, Journey Of The Souls, The Bible, The Universe Has Your Back, Hands Of Light and many others. These books and courses offered me many answers and truths, but just when I thought I had discovered the answer, life would throw an experience in my direction that would leave me feeling lost, overwhelmed and like I was missing something.The hardest of these experiences was the death of my younger brother Luke in a climbing accident in 2012. The grief I felt from this loss was immeasurable and stripped me to my core. It was this experience however that would lead me to a spiritual connection with Luke and my guides in the spiritual world that I didn't know was possible. It was by no means a sudden realisation or awakening (although I've certainly been shown many miraculous experiences along the way) but instead it was a series of small steps, some easy, some exceptionally hard that eventually brought me to a communion with Luke and my spiritual guides. It is these spiritual guides that taught me about energy healing and gently pushed me towards Reiki. It's also these spiritual guides that continue to push me along my life path and work through me in every Reiki session I give.In doing this work, I have found that not one experience I've had in my life has been wasted and not one book or course has been for nothing. In energy healing, everything is used to help in balancing and healing the energies that surround us all. It's in this balanced and clear energy that the body is best able to heal, whether that be physically, emotionally or mentally. Therefore, my purpose is simply to allow the healing energy of the universe to flow, balance and clear your energy so you can best heal and experience life as it is meant to be experienced.

What Is Reiki?

Reiki pronounced (Ray - Kee) combines two Japanese words "Rei" meaning universal, God's wisdom or the higher power and "Ki" meaning life force energy. When put together the word “rei-ki” means “spiritually guided life force energy".Put simply, Reiki is a way of guiding energy throughout the body to promote your own self-healing abilities. I myself don’t cause the healing, nor am I the source of the healing energy. All I do is act as a channel for this perfect healing energy, of which we are all a part of, to flow and do its thing.Some of the health benefits of Reiki include deep relaxation, improved sleep and increased emotional and mental well being. As such Reiki can be a great help in reducing the effects of anxiety, grief, stress, depression, PTSD and trauma. It can also help with health issues such as cancer, heart disease, chronic pain, infertility, neurodegenerative disorders, autism, Crohn’s disease and fatigue to name a few.However, having said this, it is important to note that Reiki should never take the place of conventional medical treatments or advice from trained professionals. Reiki is best used in conjunction with other treatments, as it can make more effective the treatments you maybe currently receiving.My purpose is to help you on your healing journey by activating and increasing the effectiveness of your body's natural healing ability. Reiki can help you feel deeply relaxed, healthy, happy and at peace within yourself and the world in which you live. As such you will be able to heal faster and make the most of this beautiful life we have been given. ❤️

What To Expect

My purpose is to help balance and bring your own energetic system back into alignment with the flow of life so it can better heal and be more at peace. In doing this, I combine techniques learned from Reiki, A Course In Miracles, my own life experiences and also from the helpful messages that flow in from the spiritual during your session.My Reiki sessions are given in the front room of my home in South Leura which I share with my wife Fi and children Amber and Daniel. It is best to wear comfortable loose clothing for your session as you will lay on the table fully clothed. When you arrive, I will ask if there are any issues you are wanting to address in particular, as this can help guide the focus of the session and better aid in achieving the healing you are looking for. Then I will ask you to simply lay down on the treatment table and relax. The Reiki treatment is done in silence (although I do have very soft music playing in the background). During the session, I'm simply focusing on connecting to the healing energy that flows so it may best provide the healing that you need. You in turn only need to focus on relaxing your body and mind so the energy can flow freely. If you fall asleep during the session that is totally fine as the energy will still flow and do what it needs to do, whether you are awake or not.You may feel certain sensations, reactions and emotions arise both energetically and physically as blocks are dissolved and your energy begins to flow more freely. This is perfectly normal and if you feel OK to stay in the moment with the flow of energy then often these sensations and often strong emotions will subside as your energy becomes more balanced and clear. Should the feelings that arise ever become too overwhelming and too much for you to take, you can always stop the session at any time by letting me know. Alternatively, just opening your eyes is also a great way to provide instant relief while allowing the flow of energy to continue.

During your Reiki treatment I gently place my hands on or just above the different energy centres of the body. I use a mix of hands on and hands off techniques throughout, depending on the energy centre I'm working on. Of course if you have a preference regarding hands on or off just let me know as both are still equally as effective in providing a full energy healing. It is very important that you feel completely comfortable and at ease, so please don't hesitate to let me know your preferences at the start of the session.At the end of the treatment, depending on whether you have booked a relaxation Reiki session or one with spiritual guidance at the end, we will sit down over a cup of tea of your choice or simply a glass of water and talk about any messages, visions, dreams or feelings that may have come up for you during the treatment. I can also answer any questions you have about the session and can offer any messages from spirit or things I felt in your energy. This sharing of spiritual guidance at the end of the session helps in solidifying the energetic healing that has taken place, so it can continue long after the session has finished.A full Reiki and Spiritual Guidance session takes 90 minutes with 60 minutes of a full body Reiki healing and then 30 minutes of spiritual guidance at the end. If you'd prefer a shorter session, you can receive a 60 minutes treatment which is 45 minutes of Reiki followed by 15 minutes of guidance. I also offer a 60 minute Reiki Relaxation only session with no spiritual guidance at the end if you are just wanting the relaxation and energetic balancing that Reiki achieves without the spiritual guidance. All my sessions are effective in clearing your energy and providing lasting benefits. However, a full Reiki and Spiritual Guidance session will have a stronger and longer lasting clearing and healing effect overall and is recommended if you are wanting to heal particularly heavy energetic blocks, health conditions or past traumas.


60 mins - $90.00 - Reiki Relaxation

60 mins - $90.00 - Combination Reiki/Guidance Treatment
(45 min Reiki /15 min Guidance)

90 mins - $120.00 - Full Treatment
(60 mins Reiki - 30 mins Spiritual Guidance)

I offer a $10.00 discount to students and pensioners and to those purchasing a treatment package of 4 or more sessions upfront for themselves or family members to be used within 6 months.Payment is by cash ($5 off) or via bank transfer (OSKO)
immediately after the session.
All the treatments leave you feeling relaxed, refreshed, energised, stress free or a combination of these, plus an overall sense of peace.


To book a Reiki treatment with me, simply get in touch using the contact form below or you can email, call or text me at:
[email protected]
0415 760 520
Ryan ❤️

Gift Cards

Now you can literally send someone you love
good positive energy and relaxation
